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Sewage gas utilization in Mexico

In the framework of the program “Energetic utilization of urban waste – EnRes” AKUT has been awarded by the GIZ to develop concepts in the field of biogas generation out of sewage sludge. The timeframe of this project is approximately 2 years. AKUT collaborates in Mexico with its local partner engineering companies IBtech and UCY.

In addition to the elaboration of a manual for sewage gas utilization in wastewater treatment plants as well as to creating new teaching material for courses and workshops in this field a pilot project is going to be planned, implemented and evaluated. 8 out of 27 wastewater treatment plants with flow rates of more than 250 l/s have been selected for detailed assessment and investigation regarding economic and technological feasibility as a pilot project for sewage gas utilization. These studies shall be completed within the short timeframe of the project.

For further planning the wastewater treatment plants León, Colima and Paso Limón have been chosen. Plant designs shall be completed in the beginning of 2017.

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