Since 1998 we use our knowledge in the fields of urban water management, waste management, energy generation and efficiency, eco-friendly production and climate protection as a contribution to international development cooperation.
Benefit from broad experience in several of AKUT`s fields of competence:
Surface waters in transition
Dealing with landscape and water has undergone a significant transition over the last decades.
Since the European Water Framework Directive has entered into force, water bodies must be restored into a “good status”, i.e. they shall differ only slightly from their natural states. AKUT has made innovative contributions in this field, for example when improving the linear patency of running waters of the stream Nonnenfließ using wooden constructions or by increasing nutrient retention from diffuse sources in the catchment area of the lake Schwielochsee with use of wetland technology.
Not least water treatment for swiming ponds in wetland systems (closed cycles) as well as the achievement of bathing water quality in public waters (open waters) under the EU Bathing Water Directive play an important role. For both, AKUT has developed standalone solutions for modern watershed development concepts.
AKUT develops customized solutions in cooperation with regional and local partners such as architects, landscape architects or water maintenance associations.
Modern supply and environmental technology
A building shall have a long life. Using renewable energy the applied technology must operate economically and without major interventions for a long period of time.
The main focus of our engineers is on the rational use of energy and water. With innovative approaches and creativity, we follow new paths in the ecological and sustainable planning and rehabilitation of buildings. We keep ourselves up to date on technological innovations and think outside the box.
The sooner our specialists are included in the building design, the more effective and economical are our solutions. The first stages of planning determine the course of future sustainability of a building.
As a result of successful implementation of pioneering solutions AKUT has been repeatedly awarded with the prize “Climate Protection Partner Berlin” (Klimaschutz Partner Berlin).
Treating wastewater with smart technologies
Standardized wastewater disposal was yesterday. Today, innovative, case-specific, cost-effective and energy-efficient methods for wastewater treatment are needed.
In addition to conventional processes AKUT focuses on the SBR technology, natural processes (constructed wetlands) as well as specific processes for industrial wastewater.
Benefit from our experience in e.g. upgrading of waste stabilisation ponds to SBR ponds, in the treatment of combined sewage using constructed wetland systems that do not require pre-treatment and therefore avoid accumulation of sludge, in the anaerobic treatment of highly concentrated industrial effluents with biogas production and its conversion into electric energy, in the reclamation and re-use of the effluent of sewage treatment plants and in the re-use of grey water after separation of flow streams and partial flow treatment (eco sanitation).