Research for decentralised water reuse
River bath Berlin: Research results presented
CABUWAZI climate exhibition
At the Berlin children’s and youth circus CABUWAZI, climate change and its consequences are omnipresent. This is particularly noticeable at the six locations in the city. The large circus tents heat up strongly in summer, as do the circus wagons and containers at the respective locations. For this reason, AKUT was commissioned to conduct a feasibility study for measures to adapt to the consequences of climate change as early as 2021. The study was funded by the BMU as part of the funding program for “Climate adaptation in social institutions” (duration 2020 – 2023). The results of the work, in which the children and young people as well as the circus trainers working on site were involved, were summarized in an exhibition that is now traveling from site to site.
“Climate change” has become a constantly recurring term. Not least through the student demonstrations of Fridays for Future, which have succeeded in putting the findings of science and the associated need for action on the political agenda. The children and young people experience first-hand what the consequences of climate change feel like during summer heat waves in the city.
However, what exactly climate change is and how it works is not clear to all children and young people as well as adults. For this reason, the desire arose to provide information about the topic within the framework of a traveling exhibition. Divided into three thematic areas, nine posters explain climate change and its consequences on both a global and a local scale. The three posters of the first block explain the origin of climate change and how it affects the people in the world and in Berlin. This will be followed by an analysis of the most exciting results of the CABUWAZI climate survey. This was conducted in February 2022 among regular visitors to the circus offerings and filled out by over 100 participants. Wishes and ideas that emerged were included in the catalog of measures to reduce the climate impact at CABUWAZI. These are presented and explained in outline form in the last part of the poster exhibition.
Download: Poster exhibition (german)