Bachelor or Master thesis

Within the scope of our projects we often cross questions which do deserve further investigation and might be examined in final papers.

These can be practical laboratory or field investigations as well as theoretical questions that require further literary research. Most papers are connected to the field of water management, e.g. examinations and optimizations concerning the operation of wastewater treatment plants and column experiments for water treatment. Specific aspects of a projects’ planning stage or certain papers may require further scientific investigation.

We do cooperate with all universities and colleges, also internationally. In the supervision of a study and the specification of research questions a close collaboration with the responsible university or college teacher is necessary. If you are looking for a topic with high practical relevance you have come to the right place at AKUT.

In case of interest you can send us an informal application consisting of:

  • Preferred field of activity (wastewater treatment, water management, biogas)
  • Time frame and duration
  • Planned degree
  • Educational institution (university, college)
  • Responsible teacher and chair
  • Personal Data including CV and educational progression
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We are periodically looking for short or long term employees having the motivation to work abroad in the field of international cooperation.

Within some of our projects further investigation of certain aspects is worthwhile and therefore applicants who wish to write their academic thesis (Bachelor, Master etc.) in cooperation with our company are welcome. Applicants for internships as part of an education are welcome as well.

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Bachelor or Master thesis

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Specialized engineers in deployment abroad


Bachelor or Master thesis

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